Do you want to grow your business using video, but don’t know if it will work? Have you tried video before but it ended up being a flop?
High quality video isn’t enough, you need a strategy that will use those videos effectively to bring in clients. Here’s how it works:
The Promo video is designed to be short and catchy and get people interested. It will generally live on Instagram, the top of any listings where your business is shown, or anywhere that people will see you for the first time.
That should get those interested people to your website to watch the Brand Video.
brand video
The Brand Video shows more about you and your business, what you do, and what makes you different.
From there a set of testimonial videos have been shown to close people as clients at a higher rate than any other type of video by showing social proof.
testimonial videos
New Vibes Health & Acupuncture
promo video
Kaitlin Shea Weddings & Events
brand video
testimonial videos
more brand films
real estate videos
product videos
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